
a standing ovation

an earned one.. in honor of a new -- and soon to be -- dear friend.

so, for those of you who know me, you know that i am really very subtle and rarely say what i think or offer my opinion about anything. also, you know that i am not at all boy crazy. finally, if you have read this and are buying ANY of it...you do not know me at all.

i am as subtle as a Mack truck (or a "temmy," as my 2-year-old nephew would say), have a shared (and usually unpopular) opinion on pretty much everything, and am TOTALLY boy crazy. [i like to think of it as seeing and apreciating the good in the opposite (heaven forbid i type "s-e-x") gender].

so here is the deal...

in pretty typical justatrace fashion (ok, so i have to admit that originally i typed "trace-fashion." then i remembered my author friend Jason Boyett; he writes those pocket guide books. when he finds it necessary to refer to himself or his perspective in the third person, he refers to himself as the pocketguide. in his honor, when referring to myself in the third person, i will use justatrace.)

so yesterday, in typical justatrace fashion, i texted a boy to tell him of my current feelings for him. BACKGROUND: i have known said boy in an occasional way...acquaintances who saw each other from time to time and spoke at parties...you know, that kind of thing...but since the moment i spied him from across the Atrium...all tattooed up and about to mount his motorcycle and ride off into the sunset...i have been intrigued. so here is the thing...although i was intrigued, i was more than a little certain that he would not be...and don't get excited.. he wasn't.

BUT...get this...so i tell him (in a text message...even i am not THAT bold) that i have a crush on him, but that i hope we can still be friends...his response?!?!...he says he would like to "TALK" to me about it...yep, that is right..discuss it...like with voices...NOT by email or AIM or text messaging.

so, for those of you who are diligently taking notes, boys, THIS is a good idea.

and we did...tlak about it that is. and it was the most gracious and adult conversation/rejection i have ever had. in fact, it did not feel like rejection at all...it was beautiful. i felt appreciated, and respected, and in a strange way--almost loved. i felt like it was the right thing -- the Christ-like thing -- for him to do. and i truly appreciated his candor and his honesty. and i feel like our friendship will be all the better because of it.

so...i applaud him (honoring him with the standing o)...and i thank him...and i encourage you all to be so bold as to stand up and do the right thing...with love and compassion...even when it is weird and awkward and hard...maybe especially then.

Father God, thank you for abundantly blessing me...for bringing men into my life who are willing to do what is right. men who are examples to me of what godly men are to be. men who can be my friends...without benefits. thank you for him...bless him, Father; keep him safe and in Your hands. thank you for being the only affirmation and acceptance i need. and thank you for helping me to believe...i love you. amen
